New Release

  • $42.00

    Artificial plants are commonly used in interior decorating and are perfect for non-green finger or house that doesn’t get any access to sunlight. Artificial plants require no maintenance, no watering, and no pruning yet will remain just as fresh-looking year after year.  Total Height: 0.40m Pot Type: Black Melanie Pot …

  • $41.50

    Artificial plants are commonly used in interior decorating and are perfect for non-green finger or house that doesn’t get any access to sunlight. Artificial plants require no maintenance, no watering, and no pruning yet will remain just as fresh-looking year after year.  Total Height: Approximately 0.6m Stems are wired for ease…

  • $42.00

    Artificial plants are commonly used in interior decorating and are perfect for non-green finger or house that doesn’t get any access to sunlight. Artificial plants require no maintanence, no watering and no pruning yet will remain just as fresh-looking year after year.   Total Height: 0.55m Pot Type: Black Plastic Pot…

  • $70.80

    Artificial plants are commonly used in interior decorating and are perfect for non-green finger or house that doesn’t get any access to sunlight. Artificial plants require no maintenance, no watering, and no pruning yet will remain just as fresh-looking year after year.  Total Height: 0.80m Pot Type: White Plastic Pot with…

New Release

  • $6.25

    Asplenium ‘Crispy Wave’, also known as ‘Crispy Wave’ Bird Nest Fern, is an easy plant to take care of as it is hardy and thrives in shady places with minimal care. It is also known to purify the air, making it a highly popular houseplant. Sunlight: Partial/filtered sunlight, do not…

  • $20.00

    Calathea Majestica ‘White Star’, often referred to as Calathea White Star, is one of the most exquisite members of the Calathea family. White Star’s magnificent foliage features pink and white stripes that contrast with its dark green upper leaves and bright purple undersides. Calathea majestica is tolerant of lower light…

  • $6.25

    The Epipremnum Aureum, also known as the money plant is a creeping plant that can grow in relatively low light conditions. This plant that has glossy variegated leaves makes a great hanging plant that can grow indoors or in a shaded bright area like a balcony.   Sunlight: Bright shaded…

  • $30.00

    Dypsis lutescens, commonly known as Yellow Palm, have leaves with a natural yellowish tinge to them. It is a popular houseplant, and is fairly easy to care for as long as you don t over-water it.   Sunlight: Direct or Partial Sunlight Water: Water regularly, but allow soil to moderately…

  • $5.40

    Epipremnum aureum, also known as money plant, is an easy to care for houseplant that requires minimal effort. It will adapt and thrive in partial/filtered sunlight. It is a vine plant which can benefit from growing up trellises or growing poles. It can also be planted into a hanging basket/pot…

  • $13.80

    Chamaedorea seifrizii, also known as Bamboo Palm, is a shade loving palm that is great for growing indoors or in patio areas. It is also a great air purifying plant for indoor home and office spaces.   Sunlight: Partial Sunlight. Water: Water regularly, keeping the soil slightly moist at all…

  • $12.50

    Fiddle-leaf fig is an ideal statement plant for indoor space. It has a thin trunk with broad leaves. When grown as a houseplant, it is recommended to rotate your fiddle-leaf fig every few days so a different part faces the light source. So, it will grow evenly. Sunlight: Direct sunlight…

  • $9.60

    Sansevieria trifasciata ‚ÄòGolden Hahnii , also known as Snake Plant or Mother-in-law s Tongue plant, is an excellent plant to keep indoors due to its air purifying properties. It s popularity as a houseplant is also due to how easy it is to care for; it requires little water and…

  • $10.00

    The prayer plant, also known as Calathea orbifolia, will add beauty to any area of your home with its lush, tropical leaves. Calathea plants have a reputation for enhancing indoor air quality. In moderate light, away from direct sunshine, Calathea orbifolia flourishes.   Sunlight: Partial Sunlight Water: Water regularly, allowing the top…


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